So here I am with my own blog page. Ha. I may look like I know what i'm doing. Who am I kidding? Not you of course. Well here goes.
The countdown has begun to…yes that great colourful festival of drunkenness, yobbishness, elation, pain, heartache and of course national pride. Yes that's right. Football. or soccer as some prefer to call it, is upon us at it's dizzing pinnacle. And I for one am deliriously looking forward to it.
Funny thing is, I'm not really a soccer…er…football fan. Until it comes to the world cup that is. Then I go soccer…er football crazy.
My phone has to have world cup desktop paper. My laptop has a world cup widget. i have a "Come on England" world cup T-shirt and World cup WAG bag.
And that's not all. I shall be cheering for no less than four teams! England, of course I am English. Then USA - I consider it my second home. France, because I believe in re-incarnation, and I am sure I was French in a past life. i sometimes dream in French and often wake not knowing what it was all about! Brazil is my other passion, because I know a young(ish) Brazilian man whom I love. Well, that's as good a reason as any I reckon.
So there I'll be, mostly in from of my TV with my flags, my T-shirt my noisy horn and last but my no means least my beer. The South African rainbow will be working over time in my humble abode.
But I will venture into the pub next door - The Red Lion - to shout, scream, hoot, drink and occasionally (I hope) bang my head on the table in frustration with the best of 'em.
Let the fun begin.
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