Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Newquay and the Helicopters that cicle overhead

Just heard the loud buzz of a chopper circling over Newquay Bay. I thought it might be the air ambulance, as in summer there are lots of accidents. Young people having too much alcohol and falling over cliffs, either to their deaths or sustaining terrible injuries.

Last summer no less than six people fell to their deaths from the high cliffs surrounding the bay. The council have put railings up in some of the most dangerous places, but it would be impossible and not very practical to completely line the coastal area with railings.

True, there are arguments for and arguments against, and at the moment the arguments against are winning the day. It is thought that youngster should be better behaved when they come down here to Newquay on "holiday."

What they really come for are the stag and hen parties. Or they come just to get blind drunk. More often than not they are under age and in many cases their parents just 'drop them off' and leave them to their own devices here in Newquay.

The town has got rather a bad name over the last few years as a drink and drug and sex mecca. Consequently the council are trying to address the matter, and just the other week, some youths were - for want of a better word, "kicked out" of a well known camp site, put in the cells for the night and then sent home.

So just a few minutes ago when I looked out of my kitchen window, I fully expected to see the air ambulance in the sky, but happily this one was a Royal Navy police helicopter. Nothing bad happening at this particular time as far as I know. Anything any different and I will update by posting another blog.

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