Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Remembering victims of the London Bombings 7th July 2005

Right on the heels of the terrible massacre in Tunisia, we now have the 10th anniversary of the horrific London bombings on July 7th 2005 where 52 people lost their lives and over 800 were injured. Today we remember them…..R.I.P. to all who tragically lost their lives that day.

I was in Canada at the time, so I can’t imaging how awful and frightening London must have been at that time, but I’m here now and today it’s the most exciting, vibrant and alive city on the planet. 

Stay strong and stay classy London….

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Hot July....and tennis

So, watching the tennis again this year and July 1st saw the hottest July on record; 36.7%C in London and 41%C on the courts at Wimbledon. Wow that is seriously hot. I’m glad I’m not laying tennis or in the crowd for that matter, especially if you're sat on the side of the courts that traps you in the sun. Phew…..

Andy Murray is doing well although he has quite a bit to go yet. 

Today is  July 2nd and I’m watching Andy Murray play right now. The heat is not as intense as yesterday but the humidity is still raging on.

Time for the strawberries and cream and pimms…….

Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Hot weather and Wimbledon...summer is here at last

A heatwave is expected in London throughout all of this week and about time too. June has been a cold and miserable affair up until now.

And the glorious weather comes just in time for Wimbledon tennis. Bring on the strawberries and cream and pimms.......Go Andy Murray.......

Sunday, 21 June 2015

ESA Rosetta Mission - Philae Lander phones home

The Philae Lander (which we all fell in love with) and which as you no doubt remember landed on Comet 67P way back in November 2014 as part of the ESA Rosetta Mission, woke up in June this year after going into a seven months hibernation due to an unscheduled landing in the shadow of a large cliff on the comet.

As it's solar power charged batteries died, we never knew if we would hear from it again. Was it dead, gone for good? Or would it wake up as it journeyed nearer to the sun and as hopefully it's batteries would be recharged.

Well it's batteries did recharge and the first thing it did was phone home. Great to hear from it again and know that it's alive and well and sending data and pictures back to Earth.

Pictures from Twitter @ESA_Rosetta

Summer Solstice

Stonehenge, Wiltshire, England


A team of American scientists have conducted a study which suggests that we are entering the sixth great mass extinction. Species are disappearing 100 faster than they would do naturally.

Previous extinctions progressed at a much slower rate and were due to natural causes. This latest one is man made.

Scientists say that humans are causing a “global spasm of biodiversity loss” which will inevitable lead to a great mass extinction of many animal species. If they are right, then this will happen within three generations.

Of course, we as humans are living in a chain which depends on these species to survive. So unless something is done to halt it, the consequences for the human race are obvious. Are we as a species so crazy that we don’t realise that we have set in motion are own demise?

Saturday, 20 June 2015

Quiet day....

It's coolish outside today here in the heart of London. In summer we usually sit on the patio and have a glass of wine and talk about whatever comes into our heads. The subject are varied. Sometimes show a degree of intellect other times show a degree of rubbish!!!!

But as I just said it's cool outdoors. But that's okay because...as you know I pretty well like reading too. And after two rather nasty accidents - one in 2012 and the other last year, yes that's right two, I have been doing a lot of leading lately.

I like crime novels (amongst others) and I have recently discovered two authors who I think are amazing. Chris Carter and Peter James. If you've not read any of their books and if you like crime/detective novels, well, I suggest you give them a go.

At the moment I'm reading lee Child and the first book in the Jack Reacher series entitled 'The Killing Floor.' It was recommended to me a few times so I thought I would give it a go. It certainly is a different style of writing to the others and different to anyone else I've read for that matter. Very short sentences that aren't really sentences at all; just comprising of three or four words. Reads bit like a captain's log, but it is very effective for the type of crime novel that it is. A bit like a bullet to your head.......

In the middle of it right now so I will reserve judgment until I have finished it.


Marjorie Narey

Marjorie was born in Yorkshire and lived in Newquay for six years and now is living in London.

She attended Keighley Girls grammar School, and later obtained a psychology based degree in social science, which is also art based.

She worked for the local MP in Keighley and later worked as a debt management counsellor for a firm in West Yorkshire. 

Often visiting Cornwall as a child with her parents on holiday, she knew at an early age that she would love to live in the county with it's beautiful rugged coast and warm climate.

She realised her dream and came to live in Newquay, and soon took up drawing and painting, first with Grace Rice who taught her to draw and later with Ivy Richie-Hockin at Age UK.

Her paintings are usually in oils and acrylics. She paints landscapes, seascapes, flowers and animals, but also loves to experiment with modern paintings.

She also loves music and astronomy, and is an enthusiastic amateur astronomer, classifying deep space galaxies with Galaxy Zoo.

Since moving to London she sings with two classical music choirs, one of which performs in the Royal Albert Hall.

Hello again

Hello again. I'm back after a few years during which I moved from Cornwall to London. What? Yes I know...crazy or what? ....or maybe not.

Quite a bit of water has gone under the bridge (well all of them really) since my last post, and I've just managed to access this blog again after a few abortive attempts.

So, when I get my bearings again I will no doubt be posting some silly waffling again. Bye for now.