Sunday, 21 June 2015

ESA Rosetta Mission - Philae Lander phones home

The Philae Lander (which we all fell in love with) and which as you no doubt remember landed on Comet 67P way back in November 2014 as part of the ESA Rosetta Mission, woke up in June this year after going into a seven months hibernation due to an unscheduled landing in the shadow of a large cliff on the comet.

As it's solar power charged batteries died, we never knew if we would hear from it again. Was it dead, gone for good? Or would it wake up as it journeyed nearer to the sun and as hopefully it's batteries would be recharged.

Well it's batteries did recharge and the first thing it did was phone home. Great to hear from it again and know that it's alive and well and sending data and pictures back to Earth.

Pictures from Twitter @ESA_Rosetta

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